Sunday, July 21, 2013

Waldorf handwork grade one : a year in review

K's first grade handwork projects in order (From September to June):
IMG_4171 IMG_4191
playing with fiber (drafting wool)
Wool clouds - Waldorf 1st grade handwork Wool clouds - Waldorf 1st grade handwork
wool clouds (original post here)

Knitting needles (made from wooden dowels and acorn caps) *Unfortunately I do not have a pictures of these. We lost one on our trip to Idaho. She'll be making a smaller set this fall so I will share them then*

Waldorf 1st grade handwork - horse reigns Waldorf 1st grade handwork : horse reins
horse reins (finger knitting and embroidery)
IMG_4218Waldorf 1st grade handwork : kitty on a mat
kitty and mat
057 IMG_4352
baby bunting
K's latest finished knitting project
Waldorf 1st grade handwork : K's HUGE lamb IMG_2495 Waldorf 1st grade handwork : K's big lamb with one of my first lambs
lamb (last photo is of K's huge lamb with one of my first Mama sheep! You can read about my learning to knit experience with this lamb project here)
Waldorf 1st grade handwork : rainbow ball
rainbow ball
Waldorf 1st garde handwork : lion Waldorf 1st grade handwork : lion Waldorf 1st grade handwork : lion
lion (finished the very last day of school)

Please forgive this somewhat sentimental post, I am just so proud of my sweet K! Handwork is by far the favorite subject in school for both K and I (if only I was so lucky to have had it myself) so I thought it would be nice to have a record of her school knitting projects to look back on. Not to mention that this will be helpful for me in the coming years when I teach first grade to my younger children.

I was getting a bit misty-eyed as I uploaded these photos, remembering her bringing each one of these creations home so full of pride and excitement. And oh, the stories she had to go with them! All of these creations currently dominate her bedroom and cuddle with her every night. She tells me all the time that she just loves them so much because she made them herself.

I can't get over how much progress she has made as well as all the techniques she has learned in her very first year of knitting (the knit stitch, casting on and off, basic shaping, color changing, and finishing details, such as the sewing together and proper stuffing of a three dimensional piece. She also learned to make two different types of cords: "twizzled" and a variation on braiding.) She really picked it all up quite easily. Her teacher told me that it might be from all her years of observing me as I knit. My goodness, I was nowhere near as adventurous as her when I first learned. I stuck with sheep my first year and knit them over and over again until I had an army of them. Only then did I feel confident enough to move onto something different.

I was so fortunate to have had a meeting with K's handwork teacher to discuss second grade handwork curriculum before the end of the school year. I am so very grateful for her plans, help and advice. I will be teaching K how to purl! I am excited to dive into the projects she'll be making; one of which is a gnome, need I say more?! Handwork is an area I feel fully prepared and confident with right now. I can't say the same about the rest of our second grade lessons but hopefully that will change once I have our complete curriculum in hand and can begin studying and planning everything out.


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All of K's work is just lovely! I hope you have fun working with her on her next steps. (Refresh my memory though... are you homeschooling in Idaho or did you find a school?)
Homeschooling. But we might not be in Idaho after all, there is now a possibility of Alaska!!
2 replies · active 606 weeks ago
Wow maybe Alaska?!? So many wonderful adventures you guys are getting to experience! I am sure you'll have fun and make wonderful memories for your kids no matter where it ends up that you land. Won't it be in the next couple of months that you'll be moving?

K did an excellent job on everything! I imagine she is very excited about next years handwork lessons! It is so much fun helping your children learn new skills that they'll be able to use forever!
Oh my goodness! So much to explore up there, but such a big change!
What impressive projects. The lovely thing too is these will be skills that she will have for life.
Those are amazing! She did such a great job!
I learned/taught myself to knit with that little lamb as my first project too! And a couple years ago Kayla knit the lion for L for Christmas. It is so cute. Your K did such a sweet job on all her knitting.

K is doing a wonderful job! Well done to her! Alaska? My cousin and his wife & baby son are stationed in Alaska!
Oh my...reading about 'curriculum' gets me a misty eyed as I haven't had to plan any grades or 4H projects for many years now. I don't know who was more excited - me or the kids (ok...probably me *grin*)
Such a wonderful post, Nicole, documenting a rich, industrious journey for your lucky girl. Isn't it wonderful how proud the children feel to have created such lovely things! I also love Steiner Craft, as we call it here in Australia. There is a similar curriculum, though not identical, here.
My particular favourite photo on your post is the one with the girls and the horsey reins! What a delight!
K's projects are amazing! I can't believe that in Grade 1 the children can knit so well, they are miles ahead of my knitting abilities! I look forward to hearing about your adventures in your new home, wherever that may be!
~ joey ~
How fun! They are all so beautiful.
Nahuatl Vargas's avatar

Nahuatl Vargas · 606 weeks ago

Beautiful projects!
Wonderful work - you really have a talented daughter :)
I'm looking forward to more words about your school-plans!
Greetings from Europe. maria
Beautiful! You must be so proud and so must she! Thank you for sharing! It's always interesting to see what's going on in the Waldorf schools, it gives me some inspiration for my homeschooling.
what wonderful work! x
I love all your beautiful knitted projects. Your children have grown and so beautiful. You have wonderful helpers around the house.
You should be proud, these are beautiful works :) I love, love, love the little lambies :) Do you have a pattern for them?
Gosh, what a beautiful bunch of things she has made! Makes me wish even more that we were able to send ours to a waldorf school. That lion is especially fabulous, she has done a wonderful job.
What fun to review the year in handwork!
Beautiful projects!! I love them! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
I came across your site looking for the pattern for this very same lion! I made this lion in the first grade at Waldorf all the way back in 1981 and I used these exact same two colors! :D I'm trying to find the pattern for this particular lion, but the only patterns I can find are of an updated lion with a pointed nose, and it's just not the same! Would you have any idea what site, book, or person I might be able to find it through. I would love to teach this to my nieces. :) Thanks, and BEAUTIFUL pictures! <3
Wonderful! Handwork is my favorite with my 1st grade boy. I am amazed how quickly he picked it up. He says it's not his favorite, but he really does great. Do you have a pattern for the kitty and mat?

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